Top things to do in Montigny-le-Tilleul (Belgium)

Montigny-le-Tilleul: A Hidden Gem in Belgium

Located in the southern part of Belgium, Montigny-le-Tilleul is a small yet charming city that offers tourists a unique blend of nature, history, and culture. Despite its small size, the city boasts a variety of tourist attractions that appeal to visitors of all ages. From hiking trails to historical monuments, Montigny-le-Tilleul has something for everyone.

Nature & Outdoor Activities

Montigny-le-Tilleul is surrounded by beautiful natural landscapes that are perfect for outdoor enthusiasts. Here are some of the most popular outdoor activities in the city:


One of the most interesting features of Montigny-le-Tilleul is the presence of historic coal mining slag heaps called "terrils". These terrils have been repurposed into beautiful nature reserves and hiking trails that offer stunning panoramic views of the surrounding area. Some of the most popular terrils in the city include:

  • Terril T.L.C. Cherbois-hierceuses
  • Terril Saint Quentin Sud
  • Terril Babotterie
  • Terril Leveau
  • Terril de La Chenevière
  • Terril T.L.C. Machine du Bois
  • Terril Saint Charles N°3
  • Terril La Remise
  • Terril Saint Louis Poirier
  • Terril Triage - Ancien triage lavoir de Monceau-Fontaine
  • Terril Saint Quentin Nord
  • Terril La Duchère
  • Terril du Stade Yernaux
  • Terril Résolu N°1
  • Terril Résolu N°2
  • Terril Saint-Louis
  • Terril de la Belle-Vue
  • Terril des Hauchies
  • Terril N°24 Fiestaux
  • Terril Saint-Xavier 2

Bois du Prince

For those who prefer a more relaxed outdoor experience, the Bois du Prince is a lovely park that is perfect for picnics or leisurely walks. With plenty of green space and serene ponds, the park is a great place to recharge and soak up some fresh air.

Reserve Naturelle du Brun Chêne

The Reserve Naturelle du Brun Chêne is a protected nature reserve that is home to a diverse range of plant and animal species. Visitors can explore the reserve on foot or by bike, and there are plenty of guided tours available for those who want to learn more about the flora and fauna that make their home in the reserve.

Historical & Cultural Sites

Montigny-le-Tilleul has a rich history and culture that is reflected in its many historical and cultural sites. Here are some of the most notable attractions in the city:

Abbaye Aulne

The Abbaye Aulne is a stunning monastery that dates back to the 7th century. With its towering spires and intricate stonework, the abbey is a true masterpiece of Gothic architecture. Visitors can take a guided tour of the abbey to learn more about its history and importance in the region.

Belfry of Thuin

The Belfry of Thuin is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that offers breathtaking views of the surrounding area. The belfry dates back to the 13th century and is considered to be one of the finest examples of medieval architecture in the region.

Maison Lemaître

Maison Lemaître is a historic mansion that dates back to the 18th century. With its elegant façade and ornate furnishings, the mansion is a testament to the wealth and opulence of the era. Visitors can take a guided tour of the mansion to explore its many rooms and learn more about its fascinating history.

Statue - Le mineur accroupi

The Statue - Le mineur accroupi is a bronze statue that pays tribute to the coal miners who once worked in the city. Located near the Quai de la gare du Sud and Quai Arthur Rimbaud, the statue is a poignant reminder of the city's industrial past.

Monument aux 1er et 4ème régiments de Chasseurs à pied

The Monument aux 1er et 4ème régiments de Chasseurs à pied is a beautiful memorial that honors the soldiers who fought in World War I. With its intricate carvings and striking design, the monument is a powerful symbol of the sacrifices made by those who served in the war.

Fresque Hell’O Monsters – Asphalte 2014

The Fresque Hell’O Monsters – Asphalte 2014 is a colorful mural that adds a touch of whimsy to the city. Created by the artist collective Hell'O Monsters, the mural is a great example of the vibrant street art scene that is flourishing in Montigny-le-Tilleul.

Fresque HuskMitNavn - Asphalte 2014

The Fresque HuskMitNavn - Asphalte 2014 is another stunning mural that was created as part of the Asphalte street art project. Created by the Danish artist HuskMitNavn, the mural is a playful depiction of everyday life that is sure to put a smile on visitors' faces.

Fresque Sixe Paredes – Asphalte 2014

The Fresque Sixe Paredes – Asphalte 2014 is a mesmerizing mural that was created by the Spanish artist Sixe Paredes. With its vibrant colors and abstract design, the mural is a great example of the creativity and talent that can be found in Montigny-le-Tilleul's street art scene.

Le puits de la forteresse

Le puits de la forteresse is a historic well that dates back to the 17th century. Located beneath the city, the well offers a glimpse into the city's underground past and is a fascinating attraction for history buffs.

Getting Around

Montigny-le-Tilleul is a small city that is easy to navigate on foot or by bike. Taxis and buses are also available for those who need them. Visitors who want to explore the surrounding area can rent a car or take a guided tour.


Montigny-le-Tilleul may be a small city, but it is packed with interesting attractions that are sure to appeal to visitors of all ages. From hiking trails to historical monuments, the city offers a unique blend of nature, history, and culture that is sure to leave a lasting impression on visitors.